Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween this year was a blast for us Schellenbergs!
We started out decorating our house, which made Halloween seem so close!

Our first Halloween shin dig was at a block party that Joseph was dj'ing! We had so much fun, the kids ran around playing the games, eating treats, collecting candy, checking out the firetruck that showed up, and lots and lots of dancing!


The next day we attended a homeschool Halloween party! Kids had lots of fun with the games, and cookies, and face painting there!

Then Halloween came the kids were so excited to go trick or treating! There were good all day and patiently waited to get ready to go out that night! When daddy got home from work he painted their faces and of course his own, and we headed out to go knock on some doors to get some yummy treats! We went out with Alex's best friend and of course his mom and dad whom are one of our besties which made the night even better!!! And personally I think this momma had the best costume of all!!!

After the night was over we went home and the kiddos passed out pretty quickly. They got so much candy and of course they didn't even eat it all before they forgot it was there... lol!!!

Looking forward to Halloween next year!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life The Past 7 Months

Ok, Ok I know I'm horrible at this, I don't blog like I'm suppose too! So here is an update to the last 7 months and if I can remember all the things I'll go back and make blogs about what happened!
So since my last post which was about my baby shower for baby number 3, well baby number 3 is here and he is amazing! Maxymus Daniel Schellenberg!

Today Maxymus is 7 months old, Alex is 6 1/2 and Fayth-Lynn is 3 1/2 its crazy how time flies and how fast they grow up!

We are homeschooling now and its been a slow and rocky start but we are hopeful that we will stand up strong soon and get our butts in gear!

Joseph is now working at BuiltRite and is doing very very well. School for him is going awesome as well. He is finally into the stuff he loves and his grades show it!
This month is October and that means Halloween is right around the corner! This is my favorite time of year! With the weather, the Holidays, Birthdays, its just all amazing and whats not to love!
Were hoping to get the house decorated this week and get this house in the fall spirit!
On top of everything we have a few things in store for the future and we couldn't be more excited for whats to come!!!!
I'm going to try and keep up our blog this time and keep you updated on whats to come!!!!
Oh and I'm also going to try and backtrack and get all the past fun stuff on here too!!!!