So today my baby boy turned 11 months old!!! Holy smokes we are 1 month away from him being a year old, and a toddler... Wait what its been 11 months since this amazing little guy blessed our home? It so does not feel like it was that long ago!
In these 11 months he has learned to talk (a little), he now says momma, dadda, & bubba but thats about it. He has learned to eat lots of different foods, pretty much anything he can get his hands on! His favorite food is french fries, if he even smells them he freaks out. He is now drinking out of sippys and only has until his birthday with a bottle. He started drinking milk this month and is doing awesome with it, loves it actually! He now weighs about 18 lbs and is out growing his clothes faster than this mommy can blink. He waves to Hi, Bye, Hola, & Adios. He raises his hands high in the air when mommy says "so big", daddy taught him to sign "Thank You", he claps and when we sing patty cake he claps his hands and does the rolling of his hands. He stands along furniture and is learing to stand on his own and is walking with support of his toys or furniture. So im sure walking is right around the corner.
He is def a daddys boy and it is the cutest thing in the world. When he sees daddy his face lights up and he gets so so excited! He also adores his big brother loves being in the kids room with them in his saucer watching them while they play!!! Im sure he is just dying to get out in the room with them and play!
So excited for the next year with him to watch him grow!
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